About Us

The ZRB Group has been active for more than a decade in initiating, planning, executing and managing projects, both for the government sector and for the private sector, particularly in the fields of agriculture and water.

The ZRB group is headed by Zeev Zacharin, entrepreneur, manager and man of vision, who has more than four decades of experience in leading and managing complex systems, including in the fields of infrastructures, construction and agriculture.

The core of the group’s activity is large agricultural and water projects in African countries. The ZRB Group has executed and manages dozens of projects in Africa, from the stage of initial planning and entrepreneurship to the stage of execution, management and marketing.
ZRB’s projects include agricultural farms, rural settlements, agricultural training centers, agricultural marketing systems, infrastructures for storing and conducting water, logistical and refrigeration centers, energy centers, packing houses, etc. The projects are carried out in full collaboration with the local community, and fully take into account its requirements and needs.

ZRB’s projects are distributed over an area of thousands of hectares and produce tens of thousands of tons of different agricultural products each year, including different field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, meat, eggs, etc. In these projects ZRB implements advanced, innovative professional knowledge, technologies, standards, machinery and means, which together with modern, varied growing methods lead to optimally utilizing and managing the resources of land, water and agricultural inputs, and to achieving impressive agricultural yields.
The ZRB Group is able to carry out projects of different types and models according to the project owner’s requirements and the area’s conditions. The ZRB Group is also able to advise on suitable financing solutions.

ZRB is one of the pioneers in developing and implementing a settlement project in Africa based on allocating land units for residential use and for agricultural work and on joint management of the agricultural procurement, production and marketing. The settlement project also includes logistical services that support agricultural production and marketing, together with municipal services in the fields of education, training, medicine and other community services.

The ZRB Group has a professional and management team, as well as an organizational system, with a permanent presence in Africa. ZRB’s professional and management team has the knowledge, experience and proven ability needed to cope with the different challenges presented by the projects that ZRB executes. The ZRB Group is assisted in its work by business partners and professional consultants who are world leaders in their fields.
The ZRB Group has acquired a reputation for its professionalism, excellence, reliability, the quality of its products and the work ethic and values according to which the group and its members act.

Together with its business considerations, ZRB sees the highest importance in the contribution of its projects to strengthening the economy, increasing nutritional security, encouraging employment, training human capital and upgrading the infrastructure, and thereby helping the community and the country achieve independence and economic strength and improve their residents’ welfare and standard of living.

The ZRB Group is proud of its work and its projects’ successes in creating economic, social and personal change in the lives of many people who acquire a profession, make a decent living in agricultural work and benefit from access to advanced civic infrastructures. The ZRB Group aspires to expand its activity and to continue to contribute its professional abilities, experience and values to other communities and countries throughout the world, in order to bring about their prosperity and welfare by means of productive, useful and sustainable projects.

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